

出演:カーク・ダグラス ローレンス・オリヴィエ ジーン・シモンズ

"There's only one way to deal with Rome. You must serve her. You must abase yourself before her. You must grovel at her feet. You must ... love her. (ローマを相手になすべき事は、仕えるのだ。へりくだるのだ。ひれ伏すのだ。心から、愛すのだ。)"

"The wind begins in a cave. Far to the north, a young god sleeps in that cave. He dreams of a girl and he sighs. And the night wind stirs with his breath. (風はほら穴から吹くの。北の果てのほら穴に若い神が眠っていて、夢で恋をして溜め息をつくの。冷たい夜の北風はその溜め息)

"All men loses when they die and all men die. But a slave and a free man lose different things. When a free man dies, he loses pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. (死ねば全て失うが、奴隷と自由人とは違う。自由人は楽しみを失うが、奴隷は苦痛をまぬがれる。)